Monday, February 16, 2009

Use the Disc.

Valentine's Day I used my laptop to run a slide show for our dance. I copied all images from previous events to my hard drive and let the slide show run. Next year I will run it from the disc.

The CD I was supplied had about 2 years of pictures from various Filipino-American Association of Iowa events. Everyone was enjoying watching and picking themselves out. Then we saw a pic of my 1 yr old nude in the bathroom, followed by my niece sticking her tongue out and then my 8 yr old in her signature Cross Eyes pose. It took me a minute to realize the slide show ran into my collection of picture on my local drive.

I'll tell you one thing, I'm not a perfect man, but was very happy at that moment that I didn't have any types of fetishes that could have been more embarrassing. There's something to be said for
clean(ish) living!

I quickly made it up to the projector and unplugged it while I got everything back on track. Word to the wise: next if you are going to use your personal computer for a public slide show, use the disc.

Since this information is now public, below are the pictures that were shared.

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